Room-installation made from peoples’ hair
I started this project in January 2010 in Berlin, collecting cut hair from barber shops each month, then spinning it into a yarn, then knitting the yarn into a big object/space much larger than a human being. From January 2011 to May 2011, I also had the opportunity to collect hair in the same way in Graz, Austria. The hair from a different city was knitted by me into separate bodies/objects.
Spaces of Hair
Balls of collected and spun hair
(work in progress since 2010)
detail from Spaces of Hair
presentationview from Graduate show at UdK (University of the Arts) Berlin February 2012
Spaces of Hair Berlin (right) and Graz (left) process as of June 2013
Spaces of Hair process as of July 2011
Working for Spaces of Hair July 2010
Spaces of Hair Berlin (left) and Graz (right) process as of September 2013
Spaces of Hair process as of September 2013
Image sketch for end of 2014
Spaces of Hair Berlin process as of September 2014
Spaces of Hair Berlin (left) and Graz (right) process as of September 2014